That's it, my first successful business deal arranged. I took miss Suzanne Starship and a crate o' goods from Eavesdown Docks on Persephone to MacLaren's Drift. She was a pleasure to have a'board and we'll split the profits from the sale o' the goods... well, guns I s'pose I should tell you... don't say you disapprove. I told you things would be hard out here, but we need the money... Anyway, Suzanne is a smart lady and I'm hoping a regular customer. You'd like her - polite, well to do and head strong. Seems like she wants to run businesses on Persephone and MacLaren's, which suits me jus' fine. She's like to have lots needing shipping rimward.
Which brings me to the return trip. I had a chance meeting with a fella named Cody Winterwolf... a merc who scavenges... but only the decent stuff. He's lending me a crate full o' goodness that the 'liance commander at the base in Eavesdown has expressed an interest in. Again, I'll ship it and we'll share the profts, minus our overheads. Looks like a fair deal to me, although he told me that of his share, this TTW company - his masters - will leave him around 30 percent, if I understood him right. Seems kinda high... it's why I want to stay independent - I know you understand.
'course, I've also picked up other stuff here - ore, things folks have made... all wanting them sold on Persephone. For those smaller things I've paid up front... I'm pretty sure I'll get a good price for them on Eavesdown. Things are cheaper out here, so I can undercut the black market there... not that what I'm selling is illegal mind, jus' hard to come by on Persephone and therefore expensive.
We arrived here on Tuesday and we're leaving today, Saturday. As well as picking up cargo I've been tinkering with the Unlikely's systems. I'll write a more detail account o' her hardware sometime, but for now I'm pleased to say I got her running jus' fine. I'll let you know how the business deals work out.